Striving to provide its local leagues and communities with a Little League experience that offers additional opportunities to play, while maintaining the fun and integrity of the neighborhood program, the…
Any community, anywhere in the world can belong to Little League®. Volunteers are the fabric and substance of the program and those same people make their Little League what they…
Matt Shilling of the Baseball Factory talks about hitting, particularly balance while hitting.
Matt Shilling of the Baseball Factory talks about hitting, particularly contact and the contact points.
Steve Bernhardt of the Baseball Factory talks about Tee Ball, particularly catching the ball.
Steve Bernhardt of the Baseball Factory talks about Tee Ball and positive coaching tips.
Steve Bernhardt of the Baseball Factory talks about Tee Ball, particularly hitting off the Tee.
Steve Bernhardt of the Baseball Factory talks about Tee Ball, particularly fielding in Tee Ball.
The Little League® Coach Pitch Program was created to provide volunteer managers and coaches in the Little League Minor Baseball Division with the appropriate direction to organize and efficiently operate…
Steve Bernhardt from the Baseball Factory talks about the proper way to run through first base.