Little League’s trademarks give us the legal right to exclusively use and assign use of wordmarks, logos and symbols that represent our unique organization and mission. Thanks to a track record of over 80 years of promoting sportsmanship, character, courage and loyalty, over 70% of all youth baseball played is Little League® baseball. Our trademarks are a visual way to set us apart from other non-chartered youth baseball organizations that fall into the other 30% and serve as a seal of approval on Little League licensed products and services.
Little League Baseball, Incorporated, more commonly referred to as “Little League”, is a federally-chartered corporation to which Congress has granted the exclusive right and owner of the following trademarks, service marks and other designations: LITTLE LEAGUE, LITTLE LEAGUER, LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL, SENIOR LEAGUE LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL, LITTLE LEAGUE SOFTBALL, LITTLE LEAGUE CHALLENGER DIVISION, LL, LLB, and the Little League Emblems or logos (e.g. keystone patch, Character, Courage and Loyalty logo), among others. Collectively these are referred to as the Little League Trademarks, which identify its products and services in the United States and other countries including Mexico, Canada, Japan, Australia, among others.
Little League’s Primary Logo’s are the most common use of Little League trademarks by partners, sponsors and licensees:

President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law of its federal status on July 17, 1964, and amended on September 24, 1974. The legislation, which received unanimous approval from both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives, is Public Law 88-378. It is the highest recognition that the federal government can accord. It provides for incorporation of Little League Baseball in all 50 states as an educational institution, endowing the program with protective integrity by the U.S. Government.
The relevant language as granted to Little League by federal congressional charter is as follows:
“Sec. 16. The corporation (Little League Baseball, Incorporated) shall have the sole and exclusive right to use and to allow or refuse to others the use of the terms, “Little League”,“Little Leaguer”, and the official emblem or any colorable simulation thereof. No powers or privileges hereby granted shall, however, interfere or conflict with established or vested rights.”
Public Law 88-378, 78 STAT. 325 (July 16, 1964)
Additionally, Little League Baseball, Incorporated owns numerous United States Trademark Registrations for the Little League Marks, including Reg. Nos. 606,748; 642,433; 1,028,942; 1,028,752; 1,049,641; 1,290,157; 1,315,871, and 1,464,669.
Little League Baseball, Little League, the medallion, and the keystone are registered trademarks and service marks belonging exclusively to Little League Baseball, Incorporated.
Action of the President and Congress places Little League Baseball in the same category as American Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America, Girls Scouts of the United States of America and a select group of other organizations similarly chartered. However, Little League is the only youth sports organization so honored.
Please note that any unauthorized use of these aforementioned marks is considered a trademark violation and is subject to legal arbitration. Little League has the authority to seek injunctive relief to remedy such situations if misuse actions continue to become a state of punitive and/or detrimental consequences.
If you feel that there are unauthorized uses of the Little League trademarks or logos, we would appreciate your vigilance and ask that you report this misuse here (Little League Baseball, Incorporated might contact you for additional sought after information). Please note that the information that is supplied will be confidential unless required by law.
Any entity seeking to use our portfolio family of trademarks should consult the Little League Licensing Department via phone at 570-326-1921 or via e-mail at [email protected].