Matt Shilling of the Baseball Factory talks about hitting, particularly the Lower Half.
Steve Bernhardt from the Baseball Factory talks about the four seam grip and staying behind the ball on the release.
Steve Bernhardt from the Baseball Factory shows a fun way to teach catching fly balls and pop ups.
Steve Bernhardt from the Baseball Factory talks about getting out of the batter’s box as a left handed hitter.
The Little League® Coach Pitch Program was created to provide volunteer managers and coaches in the Little League Minor Baseball Division with the appropriate direction to organize and efficiently operate…
Steve Bernhardt from the Baseball Factory shows the proper arm path when throwing.
Matt Shilling of the Baseball Factory talks about hitting, particularly the upper body mechanics.
Matt Shilling of the Baseball Factory talks about hitting, particularly the Load and Stride.
Steve Bernhardt from the Baseball Factory talks about building confidence on defense.
Steve Bernhardt from the Baseball Factory shows a fun drill involving catching fly balls.