Card image Tournament Attending an ID Camp: Stepping Toward Umpiring a Little League® Region or World Series Tournament What you'll learn Learn what an Umpire ID Camp is and how to qualify and register for an upcoming ID Camp.
What you'll learn Learn what an Umpire ID Camp is and how to qualify and register for an upcoming ID Camp.
Card image Tournament Video Steps for Completing the Little League® International Tournament Affidavit What you'll learn How to complete the Little League® International Tournament Affidavit.
Card image Tournament Prep: A Health and Safety Readiness Checklist What you'll learn Offer training to all those volunteers who may be faced with tending to a minor injury or a major medical crisis.
What you'll learn Offer training to all those volunteers who may be faced with tending to a minor injury or a major medical crisis.
Card image Tournament The Little League® International Tournament: Umpire Submission Form What you'll learn The steps to submit a form to the Regional Directors and DA declaring the intention to umpire.
What you'll learn The steps to submit a form to the Regional Directors and DA declaring the intention to umpire.
Card image Player Eligibility What Items Go Into a International Tournament Team’s Eligibility Documents Book What you'll learn The forms and documents that are required by Little League® International, specific to each player on the tournament team roster.
What you'll learn The forms and documents that are required by Little League® International, specific to each player on the tournament team roster.
Card image Don't Let This Happen Don’t Let This Happen: Announcing Little League® International Tournament Teams Too Early What you'll learn Beginning tournament activities prior to May 15 will disqualify you from that year’s tournament.
What you'll learn Beginning tournament activities prior to May 15 will disqualify you from that year’s tournament.
Card image Player Eligibility International Tournament: League Eligibility Requirements What you'll learn Failure to meet any of the listed requirements could result in a team being declared ineligible by the Tournament Committee.
What you'll learn Failure to meet any of the listed requirements could result in a team being declared ineligible by the Tournament Committee.
Card image Touching Base Video Tips for Preparing to Host a Little League® Tournament What you'll learn Having a large volume of staff available helps to ease the burden and stress that may come with hosting games.
What you'll learn Having a large volume of staff available helps to ease the burden and stress that may come with hosting games.
Card image Resource Guide International Tournament Finances: What League Officials Need to Know What you'll learn Tournament Fees Mileage Reimbursement Fundraising