- Cleats
Little Leaguers® are permitted to wear cleats or spikes on their feet. For baseball and softball players Major Division and below, plastic cleats are to be worn. In the Intermediate 50/70, Junior and Senior Divisions metal cleats may be worn.
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What Parents, Local Leagues Need to Know About Equipping a Little Leaguer®
At the end of the Little League® season, and again before league tryouts and the start of the next season, are typically when players look at the condition of their…
Backyard Tip: Throwing Accuracy Drill
Having a strong arm is secondary to making an accurate throw. A simple and fun way to develop throwing accuracy is to practice the hit-the-target drill. To do this drill,…
Play Ball FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions How will the event be structured? The MLB PLAY BALL Day event at Little League International will be a one-day fun, free event open to children of all ages…
Little League® Mourns the Passing of Longtime Central Region Volunteer, James Beckum
Little League® International mourns the passing of James Beckum, 95, a former Negro Leagues player and co-founder of Beckum-Stapleton Little League in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. An Illinois native, Mr. Beckum grew…
Backyard Tip: Teaching the Block Step Featuring Andrew Solomon
Andrew Solomon, Manager of the 2015 Little League Baseball® Southwest Region Champions from Pearland East Little League, knows the importance of fundamentals. Behind solid play both defensively and offensively, his…
Backyard Tip: Reaction Pop-Up Drill
Tracking and catching a fly ball are challenging skills for younger players. A simple and fun way to develop hand-eye coordination and space awareness on a field is to practice…
Exploring the Allure of Pin Trading at the Little League Baseball® World Series
By Diego Meneses The tradition of pin trading has become a fan-favorite off field activity at the Little League Baseball® World Series. Many of the people visiting Williamsport, Pa., come…
Little League® Extends Exclusive Partnership with EASTON® Through 2022
Van Nuys, Calif. – February 4, 2016 – Easton Baseball/Softball, a leading manufacturer of baseball and softball equipment, and Little League® announced today an expanded exclusive partnership through the 2022 season.…
Backyard Tip: Secondary Lead, Base Running Drill
Base running and timing are essential to scoring runs. A simple and fun way to develop proper base running technique is to practice the secondary lead drill. This will help…
Little League® Diamond Leader Discussions: Krista Bordeleau
Licensed Clinical Behaviorist Krista (Schermerhorn) Bordeleau grew up lacing up her softball cleats and stepping out onto her local league’s fields, so when her two daughters were old enough to…