Following the unique, democratic process established by Little League International in the mid-1950s to help chart the future of the organization, the International Board of Directors officially approved six rule and regulation items to be implemented for the 2023 season, as voted on by District Administrators. These items were discussed and voted upon following the Little League International Congress event, which was held from June 11-13 in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
“With the unique structure of this year’s Congress event, our attendees and District Administrators were presented not only with a number of rule and regulation updates, but also with three larger tactical items to innovatively move the Little League program forward,” said Patrick W. Wilson, Little League Chief Operating Officer. “Those tactical items will continue to be discussed and evaluated with our volunteers and membership, with the rule and regulation items that received enough support from our District Administrators being implemented for the 2023 season.”
Approved items include easing the implementation of the program at the local level by clarifying tryout participation for players; permitting coaches to warm up pitchers for regular season games; implementing a regular season, 8-run rule; updating the intentional walk rule; and expanding the number of coaches in the dugout for tournament games. Unapproved items, which failed to receive the required two third super majority votes to be referred to the board of directors, include expanding Tee Ball to three-year-olds, runners leaving the base too soon, and the release date of tournament team names.
Voting results and recommendations for the three tactical items (centering around league boundaries, the Little League teenage divisions, and selecting future District Administrators) will be prepared by Little League International Staff for future discussions with District Administrators, the International Advisory Board and the board of directors Operations Committee. Please be on the lookout for additional information and opportunities to continue discussing these tactical items.
“We thank all of those who joined us in Williamsport for Congress and especially all the District Administrators who voted for sharing their views on how to continue to enhance the Little League program,” said Mr. Wilson. “These updated rules and regulations will continue to make it easier for our adult volunteers to provide a meaningful experience for the Little Leaguers in their communities starting with the 2023 season. We look forward to continuing to assess the tactical items to make meaningful, strategic decisions to help expand and evolve the Little League program.”