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Little League Rules, Regulations, and Policies
Each year, Little League® provides its constituent leagues with current Little League rules, regulations, and policies that outline and define the operation of the program. It is important for all…
Debra Crerie: Breaking the Mold of Little League® Umpires
Debra Crerie is out-numbered, to say the least, when it comes to umpiring. She is one of only a few female Little League Baseball® umpires, but does not let those…
Little League® Training Opportunities As the world’s largest youth sports organization, Little League® is committed to providing numerous training opportunities to equip volunteers with the knowledge and skills needed to…
Little League University
Little League® Training Courses As the world’s largest youth sports organization, Little League® is committed to providing numerous training opportunities to equip volunteers with the knowledge and skills needed to…
An Update Regarding the Southeast Region Umpire Staff
The following is a message from Jennifer Colvin, Southeast Region Director regarding a change to the Southeast Region Umpire Staff. It is with a deep sigh that I share with…
4 Ways to Get Ready for the Season
In much the same way coaches and players prepare for the season, umpires too have to train and tone their minds and bodies. Reviewing the Little League® rules, sharpening on-field…
The third team on the field at every Little League® game.
Use Fall Ball Season for Recruiting, Training, and Improving Mechanics
Yes, the Little League® season is over, but as long as there is good weather, games will go on. September and October are prime months for Fall Ball and Training…
West Region
2024 West Region Tournament Dates Little League Baseball® Mountain Region: 8/3 – 8/9 Northwest Region: 8/3 – 8/8 West Region: 8/3 – 8/9 Little League Softball® Northwest Region: 7/20 –…