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Umpire Training Course
This course will support inexperienced and experienced umpires in learning the basics of umpiring Little League Baseball® and Softball. Designed to introduce learners to the basics of umpiring, the course…
4 Ways to Get Ready for the Season
In much the same way coaches and players prepare for the season, umpires too have to train and tone their minds and bodies. Reviewing the Little League® rules, sharpening on-field…
Use Fall Ball Season for Recruiting, Training, and Improving Mechanics
Yes, the Little League® season is over, but as long as there is good weather, games will go on. September and October are prime months for Fall Ball and Training…
Roles & Responsibilities of Local Board of Directors
Annually, the regular membership of each Little League® is required to meet and elect a Board of Directors. Following the election, the Board of Directors will meet and elect its…
Don’t Let This Happen: Paying Umpires Results in Worker’s Comp Lawsuit
At Little League® International in Williamsport, Pa., and at our Regional Offices, calls and emails come in all year long about different situations that are happening at some of our…
The Little League® International Tournament: Umpire Submission Form
**2022 International Tournament Umpire Consideration Form will be available starting on Wednesday, October 20, 2021** Tens of thousands of baseball and softball games are played every summer in the annual…