The 16 teams participating at the Little League Baseball® World Series come with their coaches, fans, and the dream of becoming the
World Champions. Helping them through their journey, though, are a group of dedicated volunteer team hosts. These hosts were paired with their teams at the 2015 Little League Baseball World Series Luncheon on Wednesday, June 10.
All 16 teams have two dedicated team hosts that are responsible for ensuring their team has a fun, memorable experience while at Williamsport. In addition to being the team’s main liaison with their family and the Little League International staff, team hosts help keep the teams on schedule with practices and games, handle media requests, organize outside activities, and ensure the team has everything they need while in Williamsport.
The hosts forge a lasting bond with their players, coaches, and managers over the Little League Baseball World Series, and many stay in touch after the World Series is over.
2015 Little League Baseball World Series Team Hosts Assignments (listed in order of total years of service per team; individual years of service in parentheses):
- Europe & Africa Region – Mick Cioffi (39), Denny Logan (13)
- Great Lakes Region – George Girio (28), Larry Missigman (24)
- Japan Region – Dick Reitz (32), Willy Weber (9)
- West Region – Edward Weinhoffer (30), Richard Smith (6)
- Latin America Region – Peter Lupacchino (23), Bruce Sechrist (12)
- Southwest Region – William Castle (27), Scott Metzger (7)
- Australia Region – Hess Wertz (17), Charles Snyder (17)
- Midwest Region – Joe Girio (18), Lee Miller (15)
- Canada Region – Dennis Loner (17), Lynn Datres (14)
- Mid-Atlantic Region – Thomas Rachael (17), Jim Kriner (13)
- Caribbean Region – Gary Weaver (18), Frank Missigman (11)
- Mexico Region – Marlin Cromley (17), Stan Helt, Sr. (11)
- New England Region – Carol Zysset (15), Doug Alexander (11)
- Asia-Pacific Region – Ron Frick (13), Van Ransom (11)
- Southeast Region – John Eastlake (17), Jeff Tompkins (5)
- Northwest Region – Mike Knight (10), Mike Lundy (7)
- Utility Hosts – Carol Weinhoffer (10), Gary Mayers (7), Josh Lupacchino (3), Mike Miller (1), Chuck Deluca (1)