Card image Don't Let This Happen Don’t Let This Happen: Approving a Volunteer With a Criminal Record What you'll learn It is in the best interest of the league to recognize and understand the charges against an individual when considering their application and position within the league.
What you'll learn It is in the best interest of the league to recognize and understand the charges against an individual when considering their application and position within the league.
Card image Volunteer Criteria and Selection for Local League Volunteers What you'll learn No experience is required to become a volunteer. Most of the volunteer opportunities require little or no training.
What you'll learn No experience is required to become a volunteer. Most of the volunteer opportunities require little or no training.
Card image Resource Guide Volunteer Recruitment Guide What you'll learn Five steps to securing a strong volunteer base for your local league.
Card image Volunteer Helping Hands: Volunteering In Little League® Makes the Experience Better for Your Family, Community What you'll learn Why you should volunteer with your local Little League.
Card image Volunteer Why Parents Volunteering in Little League® Are Mentors for Life What you'll learn How managing and coaching in Little League leave life-long impacts.