Card image Resource Guide Best Practices for Your League’s Finances What you'll learn Why an audit committee is recommended in your league’s board.
Card image Resource Guide Incorporation and Tax Exemption – Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions What you'll learn Leagues must first obtain consent from Little League Baseball, Incorporated, to use the words “Little League” in their name.
What you'll learn Leagues must first obtain consent from Little League Baseball, Incorporated, to use the words “Little League” in their name.
Card image Finance 9 Principle Responsibilities of a Treasurer What you'll learn This is a required position and should not be held by the League President or someone with a close relationship with the League President.
What you'll learn This is a required position and should not be held by the League President or someone with a close relationship with the League President.
Card image Don't Let This Happen Don’t Let This Happen: Vandalism in the Offseason What you'll learn The importance of properly and completely shutting down your facility at the end of the season.
What you'll learn The importance of properly and completely shutting down your facility at the end of the season.
Card image Resource Guide Season-End Financial Tips for Local Little League® Volunteers What you'll learn September 30 marks the end of Little League® fiscal year.
Card image Don't Let This Happen Don’t Let This Happen: Not Taking Immediate Action When Money Goes Missing What you'll learn Any action that can be deemed as detrimental to the league must be brought to the attention of league officials the moment the actions are found out.
What you'll learn Any action that can be deemed as detrimental to the league must be brought to the attention of league officials the moment the actions are found out.