As part of its Little League® charter, a local league agrees to follow the set rules of our program – rules that have been carefully and diligently established throughout Little League’s seven-plus decades of existence. Our rules and regulations are designed to create fair play in a safe environment where our youth can enjoy the game they love with their friends. There are special circumstances, however, when it becomes necessary for leagues to consider and apply for a temporary waiver to accommodate players and families. Waivers are important tools to help local leagues handle specific situations to ensure all children have a meaningful Little League experience. NOTE: A waiver cannot be applied for by a parent or player. It must be applied for by the local league.

Here are some important points all local league administrators should know about waivers, and the steps involved in the process:

  1. When a request is first brought up, the local league Board of Directors votes on whether or not to request the waiver.
  2. If the local league Board of Directors votes to request the waiver, the League President writes a letter, detailing the request. Supporting documents should be attached, and forwarded to the local District Administrator.
  3. The District Administrator includes his/her written opinion, and forwards all documents to the appropriate Region office.
  4. The Region staff will then present the situation to the Little League International Charter Committee for action.
  5. The Charter Committee will alert the Region Office of its decision, and the Region Staff will inform the District Administrator and local league of the decision. NOTE: If a waiver is granted, the adjustment is only for the current season with the exception of Regulation II (d). See below.

The most common waiver request involves leagues asking that a Little Leaguer play in a league outside the previously established boundary. Other common requests are to expand league boundaries, for a league to merge with another league, to have less than the minimum number of players, and to allow a non-regular season coach to manage a tournament team. Leagues may seek a waiver to any Little League rule or regulation.

Also, league administrators should be aware of a Regulation II (d) waiver. This waiver allows a player to continue participating if they have legally participated in the league in the past and no longer qualify to participate under residency or school enrollment due to moving, changing schools, or a change in the league’s boundaries. Additionally, it allows the sibling of a player participating in a Little League program as a result of school attendance, to also participate in the same league for the duration of his/her Little League eligibility. A Regulation II(d) waiver form does not need to be submitted to the Region Office or the Charter Committee. A copy signed by the League President and District Administrator should be kept by the District, League, and parents of the player.

Since 1939, Little League has established rules and regulations that have helped the program grow into the largest, and most respected youth sports organization in the world. Little League staff, including the Charter Committee, work hard to ensure local leagues have the opportunity to best run their local program, while providing the structure needed to organize the best youth baseball and softball program in the world. Local leagues can assist in that matter by following the necessary steps in the waiver process when special circumstances arise. For more information on waivers, visit Little League’s Waiver of Rules and Regulations.