A league’s registration days are typically the first official local league function of the new Little League® season. During this time, parents and guardians sign up their children to play in the local league. Before heading to registration, there are questions you can research that will help make the process a simple one.
Question: How do I know what league my child will play in?
Answer: To find the league that you can participate in, use Little League’s League Finder tool at PlayLittleLeague.org. Enter your zip code or that of your child’s school to find out the league territory where your Little Leaguer® may play. Once you get to your registration location, check the league’s boundary map to make sure you’re registering your child for the correct league. As a reminder, players league age seven and under may register in any Little League program without respect to any geography-related eligibility or school eligibility requirements.
Question: What are boundaries?
Answer: When a local Little League® program is formed, it must submit a league boundary map to Little League International. The boundary map serves several purposes within the Little League program, including maintaining a community environment within the league. Streets and areas are specifically outlined, and no local league boundary can overlap or encroach on another chartered Little League’s boundary. This ensures that community feel parents want.
While players league age seven and under may register in any Little League program without respect to any geography-related eligibility or school eligibility requirements, there are four options for where Little Leaguers age eight and older can play:
- Children whose primary residence is within the local league’s boundary can play for that hometown league,
- They can play for the league where their school is located,
- They can continue to play in a league they have had uninterrupted participation since age seven,
- Kids from divided homes may choose to play in a league in whose boundaries either parent/guardian resides.
Learn more in Local League Boundaries: What Parents Need to Know.
Question: Does my league offer online registration?
Answer: Little League International has partnered with Sports Connect, to provide technology services to local leagues, and your league may use online tools to allow parents and guardians to register players through the league’s website. Many of these leagues have a secure page through their website that allows for online payment of registration or participation fees. Look at the league’s registration flier, printed advertisement, or social media pages to find out the website address. Through Little League’s Central Registration system, registration is easier than ever and parents can go straight to PlayLittleLeague.org to find and register for their league.
Question: What is my child’s league age and in what division can he/she play?
Answer: Your child’s league age can be determined by referring to the Little League Age Calculator. The age determination dates are different for baseball and softball, so be sure to use the correct calendar for the current year. After checking your child’s league age, consult Little League’s Division of Play page to see in what division your child is eligible to play in this season. Not all local leagues offer all Little League divisions, so be sure to ask your league officials what options are available for your child.
Question: What documents and forms do I need to bring with me?
Answer: Check out the Little League Rules page on LittleLeague.org for more details on what to bring to establish your residency or school enrollment and age. Any player wishing to participate in the Little League program may do so by way of either residency or school enrollment to determine their league eligibility based on Little League’s boundaries regulations. Residency, per Little League Baseball and Softball, is the address of either parent or legal guardian of the participant from between February 1 (previous year) to February 1 (current year). School enrollment is defined by the physical location of the school that the participant attends on or before October 1 of the previous year.
Annually, during a local league’s player registration, a parent or legal guardian of a potential Little Leaguer® are required to provide a minimum of three personal documents that are used to establish the residency of the child. Residency documents are collected according to three categories. Or complete the School Enrollment Form to verify eligibility through school enrollment.
Question: What does it cost for my child to play Little League?
Answer: Many leagues ask for a registration or participation fee, or request support through a fundraising campaign designed to offset costs incurred by the league. Uniform shirts, Little League patches and hats are among the typical purchases made with the funds. Call your local league to ask about costs.
Question: If I want to volunteer, how do I know what is available in my league?
Answer: The Little League Volunteer Volunteer Application generally describes the types of roles that are available. Remember, according to the Little League Child Protection Program, any volunteer position that has regular or repetitive access to children cannot be assumed without the completion of a national background check conducted through J.D. Palatine (JDP) and completion of the Little League Abuse Awareness Training (required annually). Such positions would include: coach, manager, local Board member, concession worker, groundskeeper and umpire among others.
If you have other specific questions, take the time to ask the members of the local Board of Directors who will be on site, overseeing the registration process. Also, be sure to seek out and meet the League President, and Vice President of the division in which your child will be playing this season. This will help later in the season with name and face recognition. If you choose to register online, make note of the league’s email address or phone number to ask questions.
Registration is your league’s welcoming mixer for the new season. Friends and acquaintances reconnect, players get to see classmates and teammates, past and future, and your thoughts turn toward the fun and excitement that lies ahead. Signing up to play is easy and answering these questions ahead of time can help you get the season started right.