There are many communication tools and avenues that are free to use to promote your league. These require little or no experience and using them properly will not only promote your league but allow you to share the happenings within the league.
Members of the print, online, television, and radio media are always looking for a good story, and your league activities may be of interest to these news outlets.
Media Resources
- Direct Contact:
Personally reach out to sports, local news, community editors, directors or reporters to pitch your league in general or a specific focus or story your league may have. Having a volunteer, parent or other contact in local media could be helpful, so be sure to identify those within your league. - Share Your Message:
You can also spread your story through media alerts, which include who, what, where, and when as well as an interesting hook to intrigue the media. Press releases are longer and more like a story. Releases include alert details, but with more information and quotes. Having hi-resolution photos available to the media will be helpful as well.
- Create Your Message:
Your website, e-mail and social media pages are not only tools to keep players, parents, and volunteers informed, but also the media. Make sure that you are placing updates about your events on your website. If you have permission to use photos from those events, include them on your website. An active website and social media postings will benefit many groups.
Individuals are likely to research your league online and having an active web presence is crucial. The local league name, affiliation with Little League, registration, facilities locations, board members and other information for parents and volunteers should be clearly stated on the website. There are various free platforms available for leagues and additional platforms and tools through payment are available. Little League International officially endorses Sports Connect as the recommended League Technology Platform for use by its leagues and districts.
- Visit LittleLeague.org/Technology to learn more about how Sports Connect can support your league’s website and online registration capabilities.
- Any league that wishes to host a website, which includes Little League Trademarks in any fashion, must submit its League URL into the Little League Data Center annually.
- Local League or District Websites Policy
- Images Of Little Leaguers On Internet Websites Policy
Social Media
Having a presence on social media outlets is necessary to communicate with today’s parents, volunteers, and your community as a whole.
Facebook and Twitter are still your go-to tools for social networking. If you want to focus on just one site, Facebook has the most users and the best ability for sharing detailed information.
As you plan your social media efforts this Little League season, here are some tips to keep in mind:
- Find a volunteer or team of volunteers to head up your efforts
- Don’t use photos or videos of individuals without their permission
- Create ways to post on a consistent basis
- Avoid debates that are better suited for a private conversation
- Identify new ways your social media can help support your league
Social media is a way to share the fun of Little League with your followers and their friends. Your presence should reflect the positive, emotional impact of the league to not only its players, parents, and volunteers, but the entire community. As your online community grows, your posts will become more impactful, and more people will see the important information you share on your pages.