- volunteer
A volunteer is any individual who is contributing time in support of the local league or district without receiving any form of compensation.
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What online training opportunities are available?
To help its volunteers, Little League offers a variety of online training courses at LittleLeague.org/Training, including everything from how to operate on the field to how to protect and teach…
How can our local league use technology to improve the operation of our league?
The development and maintenance of a local league website can be a part of your league's communication plan, as well as utilizing a variety of communications methods, including email and…
Do Little League rules allow for assistant coaches to be appointed prior to the current season’s draft?
No. Assistant coaches may be recommended by managers after the draft, but must be formally nominated by the league president and approved by the local league’s board of directors. Typically,…
How can the general public get tickets to the MLB Little League Classic game?
Unfortunately, tickets to the MLB Little League® Classic are unavailable to the general public, due to the very small size of the stadium and providing seats for all of our…
What is the Little League Help Center?
The Little League® Help Center is an organized, curated collection of information about a topic or category and is a way of making information more accessible to our users. Content…
How do I find out what my local league is planning for the upcoming season?
The fiscal year for a local Little League program concluded at the end of September. Leading up to the start of the new league year on October 1, the Board…
LLBWS Clear Bag Policy FAQs
In a continued effort to enhance the safety, security, and experience of the hundreds of thousands of visitors and the hundreds of players and volunteers at the Little League Baseball®…
The Little League® Help Center was created to provide access to several online resources currently available through LittleLeague.org. Each of the documents were selected with the user in mind. These…
My child is nervous about going to tryouts for the first time. Does my child have to tryout to make it onto a Little League team?
In Little League, the term “tryout” is synonymous with evaluation, but it sounds a lot scarier to a child. During these required league functions, the skills of the children are…
GameChanger and Little League Specific FAQs
GameChanger is the official Scorekeeping, Pitch Count, and Stats (Statistics) Technology Partner of Little League®. The GameChanger app provides powerful, free scorekeeping tools, advanced statistics, live streaming, game updates, and…