Preparing for the season includes the administrative responsibilities associated with operating your local league. Among these tasks are chartering for the coming season; election of the Board of Directors to oversee operation of the league; reviewing and revising your local league bylaws; purchasing insurance coverage and ASAP program implementation; background checks; and budget development. Developed in coordination with the Little League® Resource Guide, training courses have been created to provide an overview of administrative responsibilities and best practices based on the seasonality of the local league.
Resource Guide
Annual background screenings must be completed prior to the applicant assuming his/her duties for the current season. To assist local leagues, Little League International, through an agreement with JDP, provides each chartered U.S. league with 125 FREE searches. Background checks for all volunteers are required to be conducted through JDP, as other providers will not be accepted.
Volunteer Recruitment Guide
A strong volunteer base is at the center of every successful Little League program. From coaches to board members to umpires, every volunteer plays a part in providing a great Little League experience. During the preseason, the opportunity for the local Little League® to market and promote itself is at its highest point.