Little League® International and the City of Bristol, Conn., are celebrating the 25th “silver” anniversary of the A. Bartlett Giamatti Little League Leadership Training Center.
The A. Bartlett Giamatti Little League Leadership Training Center was dedicated on June 19, 1993. The master of ceremonies was Stephen D. Keener, the current President and Chief Executive Officer of Little League International. Major League Baseball Hall of Famer Tom Seaver spoke at the dedication. Mr. Seaver was the first person enshrined to the Peter J. McGovern Hall of Excellence in 1988 and was named The Bill Shea Distinguished Little League Graduate Award recipient in 1989.
(Photo Gallery Images from the 1993 Opening Ceremonies)
Donald R. Soucy, a Bristol, Conn., native and Little League graduate, served as the East Region Director from 1991 through 2017. Mr. Soucy oversaw the construction of the Giamatti Center in the early 1990s.
“For the past 25 years, the Giamatti Center has hosted baseball and softball tournaments and summer camp. In that time, thousands of youngsters have passed through our doors, including the likes of Jason Marquis, Todd Frazier, and George Springer,” said Mr. Soucy. “None of it would have been possible without the hundreds of dedicated volunteers and Little League staff. They are the true heroes of Little League Baseball and Softball.”
Corey M. Wright was named director of the East Region in February 2017, upon the retirement of Mr. Soucy. Mr. Wright previously served as Assistant East Region Director. Mr. Wright, a Little League graduate, grew up in Williamsport, Pa., the home of Little League International Headquarters.
“Little League has a rich history in Bristol. Each year, the community rallies together to support our regional tournaments. We couldn’t do this, if it weren’t for our hard-working volunteers,” said Mr. Wright. “Little League has invested in updates and upgrades to this beautiful complex to ensure that it will serve Little Leaguers®, our dedicated volunteers, and the Bristol community for years to come.”
(Photo Gallery Images from Giamatti Center Construction)
A special recognition will take place during the Opening Ceremony of the 2018 Little League Baseball® Eastern Regional Tournament on Saturday, August 4, at 7 p.m. Special guests will include Bristol Mayor Ellen Zoppo, former director Don Soucy, and players from the 1993 Little League Baseball Eastern Region Champions, Bedford Little League from Bedford, N.H.
“We are looking forward to having the softball tournament arrive in the city this week, with the baseball tournament following in August. I hope everyone will join me in welcoming all of our out-of-town visitors, especially the players and their families,” said Mayor Zoppo. “The teams that are coming have been given information about Bristol ahead of time, and we are hoping that they frequent our restaurants, museums, and parks. Likewise, we are hoping that Bristol area residents will stop down and support these elite teams as they battle for the opportunity to advance to the Little League World Series.”
The A. Bartlett Giamatti Little League Leadership Training Center is named for the former president of Yale University and Major League Baseball Commissioner. The full-time headquarters provides support for the world’s largest region of Little League Baseball and Softball. Approximately 800,000 boys and girls participate in approximately 1,800 Little League programs in the East Region. This facility hosts several clinics and schools throughout the year, training adult volunteers in the leadership skills necessary to operate successful Little League programs and provide an enjoyable and educational playing experience to Little Leaguers.
Beyond a year-round administrative office, the A. Bartlett Giamatti Little League Leadership Training Center boasts dormitories, a kitchen and dining facility, a recreation building, batting cages, and three practice fields. Leon J. Breen Field is the crown jewel of the facility, hosting every game of the East Region Baseball and Softball Regional Tournaments.
The Giamatti Center will host the 2018 Little League Softball® Eastern Regional Tournament from July 21-26. The Little League Baseball Eastern Regional tournament will follow from August 5-11. Admission is free to all games. All games will be broadcast by the ESPN Family of Networks.