1. Playing Rules
  2. Operating Policies and Position Statements

Sexual Harassment Policy

Operating Policies and Position Statements

A. Policy:

It is the policy of Little League International that all of the parties involved in the operation of chartered Little Leagues will provide a League and District Administrator operational environment which is free of all forms of discrimination including incidents of sexual harassment. No individual shall be subjected to verbal or physical sexual behavior. Sexual harassment will be treated as misconduct, and may result in the application of appropriate corrective action up to and including dismissal.

B. Definition:

Sexual harassment is unwelcome, unsolicited behavior of a sexual nature which creates a hostile environment and/or interferes with an individual’s ability to do their duties. Examples of sexual harassment could include but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Unwelcome behavior.
  2. Repeatedly asking a person for a date.
  3. Making suggestive or provocative comments of a sexual nature and/or displaying sexual visuals.
  4. Suggestive looks or leering.
  5. Creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive operational environment.
  6. Making acceptance or rejection of sexual advance.
  7. Retaliating against any person reporting instances of sexual harassment.

C. Report Procedures:

  1. Any person who believes they have been sexually harassed shall contact their immediate superior or the official in charge of the Organization, except as noted in C-3.
  2. If a complaint of sexual harassment is made directly to a superior, the superior shall contact the official in charge of the Organization before taking action.
  3. If the allegation of sexual harassment is made against the person’s immediate superior, the complainant shall contact the Organization Head above the alleged harasser or the official in charge of the Organization, or depending on the level of the complaint, the Regional Director.
  4. If the complaint of sexual harassment is handled informally, the superior will document their actions and forward, through channels, to the official in charge of the Organization.
  5. If a full investigation is requested or required, the complainant shall contact the official in charge of the Organization, and through channels the Regional Director and Little League International Chief Legal Counsel.
  6. Any subsequent complaints of a similar nature against an individual, including those involving a different person, shall require a full investigation.

D. Responsibilities

Organization Heads and Official Parties shall:

  1. Monitor the League and District Administrator operational environment to ensure that it is free of sexual harassment.
  2. Ensure incidents of sexual harassment are processed in accordance with this policy.
  3. Take immediate action to guard against any adverse impact or reprisals against any person who uses this procedure.
  4. Ensure that parties under their position do not engage in any type of sexual harassment.
  5. Ensure that confidentiality of reports of sexual harassment is maintained.
  6. Consult the official in charge of the Organization for guidance in all sexual harassment matters, and that official, if necessary, will consult for guidance through channels, the Regional Director and Little League International Chief Legal Counsel.

To these general principles of conduct, we trust all other youth baseball and softball programs will subscribe in the conduct of their own activities.