1. Playing Rules
  2. Operating Policies and Position Statements

Dividing a League

Operating Policies and Position Statements

It may become necessary to divide the league – thus creating two chartered leagues. Such a division can be accomplished easily and requires no extra fields for play. Under any method, a single Board of Directors can operate both charters, if recommended by the District Administrator and approved by the Charter Committee.

This realignment can be accomplished by one of five methods:

  1. Reduce boundaries to include a smaller population. This is the least desirable method, unless some accommodation is made for the population no longer in the league boundaries.
  2. Divide the League’s service area geographically to provide for two charter areas. This is the most desirable method, particularly if the “new” league is afforded playing fields within its new boundaries.
  3. Divide all candidates by odd and even birthdates. For example, candidates with odd birthdates are assigned to the American League and even birthdates to the National League. This method could result in an imbalance of candidates and talent during a particular year and could require members of the same family to participate in separate leagues.
  4. Use the first letter of the last name (surname or family name) to separate candidates between the two leagues. For example, candidates with last names beginning with A-L would be assigned to the American League and those with last names beginning with M-Z would be assigned to the National League. Like the previous method, this could result in an imbalance of candidates and talent. However, it generally results in members of the same family remaining in the same league.
  5. All teams in both leagues draft from all eligible candidates using the “Common Pool Draft Method.” Teams select players alternately between the leagues. This generally results in a balance of candidates, and offers a better chance for equal talent distribution between the two leagues. NOTE: Once a candidate is league age 9 years old or is enrolled for the first time after the candidate attains the age of league age 9 and is assigned and/or drafted into a specific league (Example – American/National), the candidate cannot transfer to the opposite league(s) during their entire Little League career. This means that a candidate assigned and/or drafted to a Minor or Major League team in the American League cannot transfer to a National League team. If the player moves between leagues, they will be deemed ineligible for tournament play. If a league(s) decides to redraft in any form or trade players, this note still applies. A sibling of a player already assigned to a specific division is eligible to be drafted to the same division once the player attains league age of 9 or is enrolled by the league for the first time.

Under any method, players already assigned to Major League teams can be retained by their teams, if the League decides to do so, by application of Regulation II(d) and/or IV(h). Forms for requesting waivers under either of these regulations must be filed annually.

Interleague Play can be requested. However, each league/division must field its own Tournament Team(s).

Forms for Dividing a League are available from the Regional Office. Whatever method is used must be approved in writing from the Charter Committee before implementation.

NOTE 1: A league wishing to apply for a waiver of Regulation II(g), or any rule or regulation, must do so via the method prescribed in the “Little League Policies and Principles” chapter of this book, in the “Waivers of Rules and Regulations” section.

NOTE 2: When leagues have received Charter Committee approval to operate multiple leagues under a single management, there can be no transfer of Major Division players between leagues without written approval of the Charter Committee in Williamsport.