Steve Bernhardt from the Baseball Factory talks about fielding a ground ball in the outfield using the “do or die” throwing tactic.
Steve Bernhardt from the Baseball Factory talks about fielding an outfield ground ball with the bases empty.
Situation With a left-handed batter in the batter’s box, the batter hits a fly ball to right field that carries over the outfield fence. The right fielder hustles to the…
Fundamental Focus: Left Field, Center Field, Right Field will make your players more aware of the outfield boundaries. What You'll Need: Cones (3) Drill Sequence: The players begin in left…
The "B Position – Runner on First Base" Mechanic is a drop-step movement used by the Base Umpire when there is only a runner on first base and a ball…
Let's explain and outline the criteria for an outfielder to make a catch to record an out. The situation described below is applicable in all divisions of Little League Baseball®…
This month, we will explain and define whether a base runner may advance when the infield fly rule is in effect. The situation described below is applicable in all divisions…
The "A Position – The Pivot" Mechanic is a three-step movement used by the Base Umpire when moving from the A Position into the infield when there is no runner…
The "C Position – Runner on Second, Third, or Bases Full" Mechanic is used by the Base Umpire when there is a runner on second base, third base, second and…
While football season has taken hold of the sports world, one Little Leaguer’s Backyard Tip shows how children can use a different sport to become a better baseball player. Josh…