Working With Other Youth Organizations to Support Your Little League® Program

Developing relationships with other youth organizations in your community opens opportunities to work together for the benefit of both organizations. When planning your registration strategy, there are several aspects to take into consideration with respect to other youth organizations in your community including opportunities to cross promote, scheduling considerations, and volunteer recruitment opportunities. Prior to considering opportunities, compile a list of other youth organizations in your community that includes the ages served, type of programming offered, and seasonality of the programming.
Cross Promotion
Work with organizations that offer programming outside of your league’s season to implement a cross-promotion strategy to reach more potential participants. When determining whether to work with another organization, make sure that the mission and values of the potential partner are in line with those of Little League and your community.
Scheduling Considerations
In every community, a number of organizations offer programing during the same time of the year. When possible, work with other organizations to coordinate schedules to allow children to participate in multiple sports throughout the year. For example, many Little League programs coordinate with other youth sports programs to offer Tee Ball on 2 nights of the week, while the other sports are made available on other nights of the week.
Volunteer Recruitment
Working closely with other programs may open opportunities to recruit additional volunteers. Individuals who volunteer are likely to volunteer with multiple organizations. There may be opportunities for board members, coaches, and umpires/officials to become involved in Little League in addition to their current commitments. Remember that no volunteer commitment is too small to make an impact in your program.
The involvement of other youth organizations should be an annual consideration as your league completes its registration strategy. Effective implementation of the strategies listed above will allow your league to further expand its reach within your community.