During the Little League® International Tournament there are specific rules that are modified from those used during regular-season play. To be aware and understand how to apply and explain the tournament versions of these common rules, please review these comparisons as stated in the current Little League Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Polices.
Regulation IV(i): Every rostered player present at the start of the game will participate in each game for a minimum of six (6) defensive outs and bat at least one (1) time.
Tournament Rule 9: All Tournament Teams (Junior Division and below) must adopt a policy of a continuous batting order that will include all players on the team affidavit present at the start of the game, to appear in the batting order. Each player is required to bat in his/her respective spot in the batting order. A player may be entered and/or re-entered defensively in the game at any time, but is not required to play on defense.
NOTE: Mandatory Play does not apply to the Senior Division.
Rule 3.04: A player whose name is on the team’s batting order may not become a substitute for another member of the team. Local league option: a local league may permit a “courtesy runner” for the catcher and/or pitcher of record when there are two (2) outs. Exception: If the continuous batting order is used, the “courtesy runner” may be in the team’s batting order and must be the player in the batting order who made the last out. see 7.14(b).
Tournament Rule 3: A tournament team may permit a “courtesy runner” for the catcher and/or pitcher of record when there are two (2) outs. Utilizing continuous batting order, the courtesy runner may be in the team’s batting order and must be the player in the batting order who made the last out.
Senior Division: Twice a game but not more than one time per inning, a team may utilize a player who is not in the batting order as a special pinch-runner for any offensive player. A player may only be removed for a special pinch-runner one time during a game. The player for whom the pinch-runner runs is not subject to removal from the lineup. If the pinch-runner remains in the game as a substitute defensive or offensive player, the player may not be used again as a pinch-runner while in the batting order. However, if removed for another substitute that player or any player not in the line-up, is again eligible to be used as a pinch-runner.
Rule 1.01: Little League Baseball and Softball in all divisions in a game between two teams of nine players each, under the direction of a manager not more than two rostered coaches, played on a regulation Little League field in accordance with these rules under the jurisdiction of one or more umpires.
Allow teams to have up to three eligible coaches permitted in the dugout regardless of tournament team roster size. A maximum of three (3) adults who are named on the affidavit (or authorized replacements as noted on the affidavit) will be permitted to act as manager/coaches for that game. The named adults must be listed on the affidavit or must be authorized temporary replacements as noted on the affidavit.
Rule 3.09: Managers or coaches are permitted to warm up a pitcher at home plate or in the bullpen or elsewhere at any time including in-game warm-up, pre-game warm-up, and in other instances. They may also stand by to observe a pitcher during warm-up in the bullpen.
Tournament Rule 3: Pitching Rules (f): Managers or coaches are not permitted to warm up a pitcher at home plate or in the bullpen or elsewhere at anytime. They may stand by to observe a pitcher during warm-up in the bullpen.
Rule 4.19(c)(1): The protesting manager shall immediately, and before any succeeding pitch is thrown or play begins, notify the umpire that the game is being played under protest because of misinterpretation or violation of a playing rule.
Rule 4.19(c)(2): Following such notice, the umpire shall consult with the other umpire(s). If the umpire is convinced that the decision is in conflict with the rules, the umpire shall reverse the decision. If, after consultation, the umpire is convinced that the decision is not in conflict with the rules, said umpire shall announce that the game is being played under protest. Failure of the umpire to make such announcement shall not affect the validity of the protest.
Rule 4.19(f): A committee composed of the League’s President, Player Agent, Umpire-in-Chief, and one or more other officers or directors who are not managers or umpires shall hear and resolve any such protest as above, including playing rules. If the protest is allowed, resume the game from the exact point when the infraction occurred.
Rule 4.19 is replaced with the following for the tournament:
A1. A formal (verbal) protest must be made to the Umpire-in-Chief at once by the manager or coach.
A2. The Umpire-in-Chief must immediately call a conference of all umpires working the game.
A3. If the problem cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the managers, the Umpire-in-Chief shall be required to consult with the Tournament Director or District Administrator.
A4. If the managers do not accept the decision of the Tournament Director, either manager may elect, without penalty to discontinue play until the matter is referred to Regional Headquarters. Either the Umpire-in-Chief, Tournament Director, or District Administrator will call Regional Headquarters at this time.
A5. If the managers do not accept the decision of the Regional Director (or his/her designated agent), either may insist that the matter be referred to the Little League International Tournament Committee in Williamsport. The decision of the Tournament Committee shall be final and binding.
NOTE 2: Umpires, Tournament Directors, and District Administrators DO NOT have the authority to declare a forfeiture under any circumstances.