3 Groups to Target for Player Registration

There are three groups of potential registrants that every league should target each season. Each group must be approached differently and will have a different set of questions and concerns when registering.
Returning Players
Securing registrations of returning players is crucial to the longevity of any local league. A participant’s experience with the league and their coaches is a key factor in whether or not a child will register for another season with the league.
New Tee Ball Participants
Most Little Leaguers® get their start in Tee Ball. Parents of new Tee Ballers often have many questions about your league and what to expect. Be prepared to answer their questions or prepare a fact sheet that is available on the league website and at registration.
First-Time Participants above Tee Ball
In an effort to reach new participants, you will want to seek out to players (older than Tee Ball age). Also, engage the parents who may be interested, but who have not participated in the past.
Driving forces behind signing these players up will be the ability to play with friends, who are already participating, the desire to try a new sport, and the opportunity to participate in the Little League International Tournament.