As stated in the current edition of the Little League® Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Policies, it should be clearly understood by Tournament Directors and League Presidents that their is a chain of command that dictates the operation of the annual Little League International Tournament. Governance of the Tournament comes under a different authority and jurisdiction from that normally observed during the regular season. It is, in fact, a whole new ball game. Once the tournament season starts, authority is vested solely in the Tournament Committee at Little League International in Williamsport, Pa.
There are no more waivers, resorting to local rules, or other variation unless granted explicitly from the Tournament Committee. To administer the tournament properly for thousands of leagues around the world, and to ensure that the games feature the fair play and good sportsmanship that are the hallmark of the Little League program is an undertaking requiring considerable disciplines.
Once the tournament starts, it must proceed without interruption. If protests or disputes occur, which cannot be settled by the umpires or Tournament Director through immediate and concise application of the rules, the issue must be promptly made through proper channels to prevent a major time delay or loss of momentum.
Revocation of tournament privileges or forfeiture of a tournament game may be decided only by the Tournament Committee in Williamsport. Should a problem arise that cannot be resolved while a game is in progress, the game must be suspended by the Umpire-in-Chief and the problem referred immediately to the Tournament Director. If not resolved, it must be referred to the Regional Director. If still unresolved, it will be referred to the Tournament Committee in Williamsport.
If the Tournament Committee deems any player to be ineligible, by league age, residency or school attendance, participation in other programs, failure to participate in the required number of the regular season games, it may result in forfeiture of tournament game(s), and/or suspension or removal of personnel from tournament play, and/or suspension or removal of personnel or teams from further Little League activities, and/or suspension or revocation of the local league’s charter. These actions can only be taken by the Tournament Committee in Williamsport.
The Tournament Committee and the individual Regional Directors may appoint agents to act on their behalf, and any person so appointed shall have the authority to act as, and exercise the duties of, the Tournament Committee or the individual Regional Directors.
The Tournament Committee also reserves the right in its sole discretion to impose any of the above penalties if, in its judgment, any player, manager, or coach , umpire or other volunteer conducts him/herself in any manner, on or off the field, that does not positively reflect the high standard Little League holds for sportsmanship, citizenship, and decorum. This includes displays of unsportsmanlike conduct, “making a travesty of the game,” or violating any rules, regulations, or policies contained herein during the game, at the game site, at any other location or time related to the International Tournament. The Tournament Committee also reserves the right to impose any penalty it deems appropriate, if the Committee determines action is necessary to correct a situation brought to its attention, regardless of the source of that information. The decision of the Tournament Committee is final and binding.
All District Administrators are considered Tournament Director unless an alternate person is appointed and approved by Little League International. Knowledge of the rules must be guaranteed before a Tournament Director is declared qualified. All Tournament Directors will undergo a thorough and instructive briefing session prior to taking on their duties from the District Administrator, must signify that they understand the rules, and regardless of personal feelings, they are in full agreement and can interpret them properly. At the time of the district tournament meeting, it will be required that each League President or the representative in attendance signify that the league and tournament team managing personnel are knowledgeable of Tournament Rules and are in full agreement with these conditions.