University of Washington Head Softball Coach Heather Tarr explains another drill to help with fielding and throwing – The 3 Point Drill.
University of Washington Head Softball Coach Heather Tarr explains another facet of the swing – the stance.
College Softball Coach Lisa Dodd discusses softball hitting, particularly hitting with two strikes.
University of Washington Head Softball Coach Heather Tarr explains another facet of the swing – the stride.
College Softball Coach Lisa Dodd discusses softball pitching, particularly attacking from the rubber.
College Softball Coach Lisa Dodd discusses softball pitching drills, particularly Long Toss.
University of Washington Head Softball Coach Heather Tarr explains another drill to help with the hand path to a ball with the Isolating Arm Drill.
College Softball Coach Lisa Dodd discusses softball hitting drills, particularly the long tee drill.
University of Washington Head Softball Coach Heather Tarr explains the walk up tee drill to build rhythm, timing and tempo for a natural swing.
College Softball Coach Lisa Dodd discusses softball pitching drills, particularly the double arm circle drill.