Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances include a wide range of substances from an array of medical disciplines and associated fields, and have been associated with potentially serious physical and psychiatric side effects.

While these substances have a long history in sport and competition, studies have found millions of teenagers are also turning to Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances with the idea that they will improve their physical appearance as well as athletic performance.

The Taylor Hooton Foundation provides children and the adults in their lives with context for the social influences that impact them each day. Here are 10 points of conversation about Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances that every parent should have with their children:

  1. Youth steroid use is a growing problem.
    The headlines tell of professional players alleged, or proven, to have used steroids, but steroid abuse by children is at the root of concern. The pressures kids are under help to motivate use and abuse of anabolic steroids and Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances.
  2. Numbers help put the issue in perspective.
    Numbers make an impact, and The Taylor Hooton Foundation has created a video that provides insight on the scope of the steroid, human growth hormone and supplement problem.
  3. Anabolic steroids do physical AND psychological damage.
    It has been proven that the dangers of anabolic steroids are both physical and psychological. Research has shown that the damage caused by APEDs is irreversible.
  4. Over-the-counter diet pills and supplements have their risks, too. 
    There are a variety of dietary and muscle-building items available over the counter at your local nutrition store, but you need to know that there are hidden dangers in diet pills and supplements.
  5. Appearance and Performance Substances, also know as Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDS), have their own language.
    You may not have heard some of the vocabulary associated with using Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances, but this glossary identifies some of the common words and terms involving these supplements.
  6. There are several warning signs for Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substance use.
    If you suspect your child, students, or friends are using anabolic steroids, you can look for a variety of short-term side effects that appear as symptoms – like visible changes in appearance, mood and behavior.
  7. Starting the conversation with your kids is key.
    Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances use is preventable.  Start the conversation with your kids now-whether you suspect usage or not.  Here are some questions to help get the conversation started.
  8. Making a lasting impression can save a life
    The Taylor Hooton Foundation website features several accounts of how education has created a firm and accurate understanding of the inherent dangers of Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances use. Knowledge is powerful, and you may never know what impact you can have.
  9. The Taylor Hooton Foundation can help.
    With an assortment of educational resources that can be used to raise awareness of Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances, The Taylor Hooton Foundation is an asset in ensuring the health of the next generation.

Little League® Baseball and Softball has partnered with the Taylor Hooton Foundation, a non-profit organization, considered the leader in educating youth and adult influencers on the dangers of anabolic steroids, human growth hormone (HGH), dietary supplements, energy drinks, and other Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances.