Many players choose to play on travel or select teams in addition to their participation in the Little League Program.  This form of “multiple participation” is permissible under Little League rules and regulations for both the regular season and International Tournament play.

While permissible, sometimes that participation outside of the Little League program may interfere with a manager’s ability to conduct the affairs of his or her team. Little League Regulation IV(a) Note 2 provides managers and the league with recourse if this occurs.  It states,

“Consistent with a manager’s ability to conduct the affairs of his or her team, a manager may remove a player from the team, subject to Board of Directors approval (or District approval, if the Senior League (softball only) is administered as a district operation), for the current season if the player repeatedly misses practice or games. If a player is repeatedly missing practices or games, the manager must make the local league Board of Directors aware of the situation immediately.”

This regulation applies to both the regular season and International Tournament play. It is important to note that while multiple participation by players is permitted, non-Little League teams cannot enter Little League intact, or nearly intact, for regular season or tournament play (Regulation V(d)).