Little League® International Outlines D.A. Standards for Exceptional Leadership and Volunteer Service

Presentation provides Little League District Administrators with a distinct and comprehensive overview of how to effectively serve local leagues within their District.  

During the 27th Little League International Congress in New Orleans this January, Little League Baseball and Softball tasked District Administrators (D.A.), its most important volunteer constituents, with reinforcing the “District Administrator Standards for Exceptional Leadership and Volunteer Service.” 

Constructed around eight tenets that have been approved by the Little League International Board of Directors, and that have been the foundation of the D.A. role for decades, the D.A. Standards explain how these committed volunteers can improve service to their communities. The tenets provide additional guidance and support for D.A.s, as they strive to enhance their support of local Little League programs around the world and create a foundation that will continue to strengthen Little League’s District leadership. 

The eight tenets that create the foundation for the D.A. Standards are:  

  1. District Organizational Structure 
  2. Communications and Responsiveness
  3. Meetings 
  4. Education 
  5. League Reporting/Monitoring
  6. Management of the International Tournament 
  7. Financial 
  8. A Safety Awareness Program (ASAP) 

“There may be no greater volunteer commitment to Little League than that of being a District Administrator,” said Stephen D. Keener, Little League President and CEO. “These standards, which have been approved by our Board of Directors, have been created to ensure that our district staff is able to provide the highest level of service to parents, players, and volunteers.”  

The D.A. Standards focus on three primary goals:  

  1. To continue to enhance the service to local Little League programs, communities, volunteers, and families through the District Administrator. 
  2. To identify areas of improvement needed for not only individual District Administrators, but the district level as a whole. 
  3. To work with District Administrators to overcome deficiencies with concentrated improvement strategies, or deem those unwilling to remediate ineligible for the position. 

“While many of our D.A.s already excel at these standards, this presentation helps provide new D.A.s, and those D.A.s who are looking to further improve in certain areas, with ample resources and a comprehensive approach to servicing local leagues,” said Patrick W. Wilson, Senior Vice President of Operations and Program Development. “These standards, combined with the additional resources provided through New District Administrator Training and the educational tools available on Little League University, will continue to allow our District staffs to provide the best possible guidance for our local leagues.” 

With these standards in place, Little League is hoping for the following outcomes:

  1. To continue to enhance the service to constituent leagues, communities, volunteers, and families through the District Administrator. 
  2. To identify areas of improvement needed for not only individual District Administrators, but the district level as a whole. 
  3. To work with D.A.s to overcome deficiencies with concentrated improvement strategies or deem those unwilling to remediate ineligible for the position.